pernoctalian (n.)

1. one who watches or keeps awake all night.

website created on 06/22/20
wallpaper from here.
here are other cool sites:
if u not here it's bc u not cute~ jk, i add everyone i follow and everyone who follows me in here but if u can't find urs it might be because i missed it (because you're not cute, woops jk)
if you want to talk or have any questions about anything, you may reach out to me through these means:
sites i like/find useful:
- ezgif - straightforward website... gif maker, file converter.
- blinkie maker- make a blinkie :)
- friv - games.
- w3chools - i learned html and css here.
- picsart - very useful photo editor. i got my stickers and edited them here.
- giphy - i make my buttons with the help of this gif maker.
- cooltext - fancy text maker. it's pretty nifty.
- zoomquilt - go here if you're high it's sick.
- cursors-4-u - free mouse cursors.
- tvtropes - i find myself reading and scrolling through this site a lot. i don't know how to describe what it's for. just check it out.