ah... the pairs of fictional lesbians that complete my life. these are the couples that make my gay heart really happy and low key jealous at the same time. these are my otps.
if you're a girl who likes girls and is looking for a show/movie to watch with some queer representation, you may find this section useful. i will try not to spoil the plot but i am not promising on it. so, read up at you own discretion.
tv series

show: orange is the new black
i'm going to start with vauseman because they're the first couple i was invested in. despite their dysfunctional relationship, they still always managed to be entangled in each other's lives. i enjoyed watching this pair even though because there was a lot of angst . i love angsty relationships, i think they make for a good watch. maybe i'm just problematic.
end game? uncertain. although it was implied that they may still be. i'm not sure, the ending was kind of a blur for me.
who'd you rather? alex vause. ~duh. she's basically the whole reason i started watching the show.


show: wentworth
okay, i'm getting a bit repetitive with wentworth because i talk about it a lot on my site. let me proceed to doing it more: franky and bridget are a couple that have an interesting dynamic because, franky is(was) a prisoner and bridget is a prison shrink. they fell in love and started to date immediately after franky was released. i don't blame bridget for her moment of weakness though because honestly, who wouldn't fall in love with a girl like franky? i also love that their love was mutual and for the most part, healthy.
end game? oh yes. well, as far as the story goes, they are still together.
who'd you rather? honestly can't choose lol.


another wentworth ship. bea and allie's relationship is also very interesting. bea is technically 'straight' as far as she's always known. well, of course, she then went on to find out that no one is straight; and that's because of allie. i don't want to spoil the plot but i'd have to warn you that their story is quite... heartbreaking to say the least. that doesn't take away from the fact that they're a hot ass couple though.
end game? no.
who'd you rather? bea smith


show: the l word
ah, tibette. i love this couple, specially because of their chemistry. their whole relationship was very angsty too. they went from loving each other and wanting to start a family to not being able to stand one another. then of course, there's the infidelity. still, in the end, they couldn't escape from the fact that they were meant to be.
end game? well, not including the reboot story arc... yes.
who'd you rather? bette fucking porter. she's a god.


show: the 100
thinking about clarke and lexa's short-lived relationship still makes me sad to this day. but god, did they have amazing chemistry. i don't want to talk more about this couple because it breaks my heart. lol
who'd you rather? lexa


show: atypical
i loved watching this pair turn from enemies to friends, to best friends, and finally, lovers. they are over all just a cute couple. their relationship, of course, isn't perfect. after all, they were both teenagers and were just starting to realize that they're a couple of homos. still, i enjoy where their love story is going so far.
end game? seems like it.
who'd you rather? tough one, but... izzie

show: one day at a time
syd and elena -- the cutest couple ever. 'nuff said.
end game? hopefully so. they're still together.
who'd you rather? elena

kate and emaline

show: everything sucks!
it's funny, i just found out people on twitter are actually dragging this ship because the actresses who played the role are 14 years old and 20 years old, respectively. i mean, it's television. i'm assuming no one was forced, and they were both playing teenager roles. did you all forget that in pretty little liars, sasha pieterse was only 12 years old in the first season?
end game? seemed like it.
who'd you rather? emaline. i love her mean streak.

rue and jules

show: euphoria
i wasn't sure if i should include this here because i personally think they're a bit... toxic. plus. their love is unrequitted. however, i think they tell a different story and it's sort of refreshing. although, not in the best way.
end game? i'm not counting on it.
who'd you rather? both!!! but ultimately, jules.


show: wynonna earp
there was a point in time when i was obsessed with this couple. i think they're so hot together and they have amazing chemistry. they also portray a considerably normal and healthy relationship; which i think is not always represented in an lgbt relationship. however i have to admit, i haven't really been following wynonna earp recently. i swear i will when i feel like it. this doesn't mean the show isn't a worthy watch. i am just a lazy fuck who procrastinates on my procrastinations.
end game? i think so? i hope so. god, i need to catch up on it.
who'd you rather? this is hard! nicole haught


show: legends of tomorrow
i haven't actually watched the whole of legends of tomorrow (i'm in season one as i write this) but i'm going to include them anyway. i've only ever watched all of their scenes from youtube but i can say that i'm in love with the chemistry of these time travelling lesbians. that's all i'm going to say about this pair for now.
who'd you rather? both both both both but not at the same time


show: grey's anatomy
holy shit. i can't believe i almost completely forgot to put this couple on here. they were one of my favorites!! i guess it's because they're from another lifetime ago. also, they got broken off. their whole relationship was healthy until it wasn't. it got ugly for sure.
they're both written off now. however, it was implied that they did get together in the end after all. i'm choosing to remain optimistic.
end game? possibly. but they weren't for a long time.
who'd you rather? i love callie but i have to pick arizona.


spoiler alert, but: after her and callie's long-term relationship went under the sink, let's just say arizona went on to have many other connections. don't get me wrong, i am not judging/ slut-shaming. i think it's great. in fact, i loved everyone she was ever paired with. when it comes to eliza, people actually had a poor opinion of her. personally, i think quite the opposite. i think she's an amazing character. when i rewatched the season she was in, all i could think of was "god, these doctors really gave her a hard time!" she was only trying to do her job (which i believe she's really good at), but everyone's egos (specially richard's ugh he was insufferable in that season) are always in her way.


exactly one episode after arizona was apparently ghosted by eliza, carina was introduced as her new love interest. they started out as a one night stand. initially, their whole deal was purely about sex until later on. then, arizona got written off. so, there's that. they're still sexy as hell together though. i mean, just look at carina.


show: four more shots please
i'm going to bet that not a lot of you have heard of this couple. to be honest, i wasn't going to watch this tv series but because of the fact that lisa ray plays the role of samara, i just had to. honestly, it's not that bad. the acting and the story itself aren't phenomenal but it is quite funny. although it does get a bit cringey on some parts. i just don't like samara's character to be honest. i supposed she needed to be portrayed like that for representation's sake. if you choose to watch this show i'll let you be the judge.
end game? haha it doesn't seem like it as per the season 2 finale. i laughed at that whole scene but who knows.
who'd you rather? samara


show: gentleman jack
i only recently watched gentleman jack but i immediately fell in love with it. can i just say, suranne jones as gentleman jack is the best casting decision ever. not to mention, both of the actresses have amazing chemistry on screen. oh and, i love the theme song so much i have it memorized.
who'd you rather? anne lister

movie couples
╚═══════════════╝carol and therese

movie: carol
one of my favorites. (have you realized that there's some pathology in what attracts me in a relationship judging by my favorite couples?) i love this pair. i just love everything about it. i'm out of insights. next.
who'd you rather? carol
layla and tala, amina and miriam

movies: i can't think straight, the world unseen
another one of my favorites. let's face it. these are all going to be my favorite. but no, i specially love this pair so much and i think that's because i am literally just so attracted to lisa ray's face. oh god, i'm objectifying women. i'm such a bad feminist. anyway, both of these movies have a good ending so if you can get pass through the occasionally cringey in dialogue, it is still a good watch.
who'd you rather? tala,miriam

amy and hope
movie: booksmart
this is technically a comedy and most of the scenes were a crack, but in my opinion, it still represented a queer teen's life experiences pretty accurately, specially the girl on girl story line. this movie is actually a favorite of mine because of how good it is in general. 10/10 would recommend whether you're gay or not.
who'd you rather? hope

jaclyn and catherine

for the longest time, this movie was my favorite queer movie of all. when i was younger i gravitated towards relationship dynamics such as this movie displayed. i guess even now, women in power/authority still attracts me greatly, but i like to think i know better to realize when the attaction is genuine or not. anyway, this movie is about a former child star college freshman who was seduced by an unrealistically hot psychology professor. if you're into that, then go watch. also, god... why do i never get to have hot teachers?
who'd you rather? professor stark

aster and ellie

movie: the half of it
this movie only came out in 2020 but it's already really high up my list because it's just that good. before watching this, i expected a 'the kissing booth' level of cringe. man, was i wrong. i may have watched this twice on the same day.
who'd you rather? honestly, both

alright, i'm ending this here. i have watched more movies but i'm getting lazy listing them all now. i might update this when i feel like it. also, whilst writing this i was watching legends of tomorrow (i just want to share that it's my first time watching wentworth miller act and god why is his voice so fucking annoying in this show? is his voice naturally like that??!!) so i was preoccupied half of the time and basically was just lousy with my writing. doesn't matter, the only purpose of this section was for me to express my gayness and list my favorite ships. do with this as you please, though.